Friday, September 28, 2018

Image of JAMB WAEC Result Upload Confirmation Sample | What is Jamb Uploading of Result

Considerable amount of utme applicant, have be asking us how do image of jamb waec result upload looks like, how to confirm if the o'level result has be succefully uploaded.

Perhaps someone must have told his/her guaidance that he/she has uploaded the o'level result into jamb portal, and they want to confirm or verify it, who knows?

What is JAMB WAEC Result Upload?

This is the uploading of scan copy of UTME applicant Ordinary Level Result, also called the O-level into the Joint Admissions and Matriculation Board Portal.

The o'level result comprise of waec, neco, and nabteb.
One of the prequisite for a candidate to qualify for admission he/she must upload his/her o'level result into jamb portal.

Read Also
How to Upload O'level Result into Jamb Portal

Here Is What Image of JAMB WAEC Result Upload Sample Looks like.

For the sake of answering this question, here is a screenshot in jpeg format of an image of jamb waec upload that is succesfuly.

A quick entry on Google will bring out a lot of results in Google Images.

Image of WAEC Result Upload Confirmation Screenshot
Image of WAEC Result Upload Confirmation Screenshot

image of waec uploading
sample pics of utme uploading
image of olevel result upload confirmation
What is jamb uploading of o'level result?

Thursday, September 27, 2018

What To Do If Your Name Is Not On JAMB Matriculation List - Problem Solved

what is jamb matriculation all about and what to do if your name is not on the jamb matriculation list for nysc mobilization or direct entry, how to print your admission letter and result slip online.

What Is JAMB Matriculation List All About.

It is a list that contain all the names of all bonafide candidates from accredited institution, that are eligible to be enlisted for the one year National Youth Service Corps NYSC.
If a candiate name is not  found on the list, such a candidate can not be able to apply for the one year national services on the nysc registration portal.
It is important to confirm that your name is on the matriculation list, if you wish to apply for the online nysc mobilization exercise.

When is Jamb Matriculation List Closing Date or is there any Deadline

Answer: for the now, it has no closing date, it is a continuous process.

How to Check if Your Name is on Jamb Matriculation List for NYSC Mobilization or Direct Entry

1. Vist the Jamb Matriculation List website for nysc mobilization or direct entry.
2. Select the given year of your jamb registration number by click on the option Select Examination..
3. Type in your UTME Registration Number. This is made up of 8 digits and 2 Alphabet at the ending.
4. Scroll down and click on the button Fetch My Details.

name not on jamb matriculation list

What to Do if Your name Is not on JAMB Matriculation List for NYSC Mobilization or Direct Entry

1. First your must have been offered admission from JAMB.
2. Print out your Jamb Admission Letter
3. Print out your Jamb Original result Slip
4. Verfiy the two Document with the admission officer in your Instituion
To be able to print out your document (Jamb admission Letter and Original Result Slip) for NYSC Mobilization the first basic step is to create a jamb profile.

For you to Create a Profile on JAMB Portal do the following
1. visit the jamb profile registration page, using either your desktop devcies or mobile browser.
2. Click on Create an account button.
3. Enter A functional email address and other details as the page opens up, click on verify email.
4. Login into your email account to retrieve a confirmation code, take note it could be in your spam folder if not seen on your inbox.
5. Then click on the link send to you by JAMB to continue your registration.
6. Enter your name, surname, email, date of birthday, password, etc.
7. Lastly click on “Sign Up” to complete the creation of your account.
Note:  The step stated above for the creation of profile does no longer work anymore when you login after creation of the profile.

How Can I Create a JAMB Profile That Work
Visiting the nearest cbt centre, or you can can reach me on mobile/whatsapp 08051311885 to enable me speed track the creation of our profile  that will give your access to print out those documents that qualify one to be on the matriculation list for nysc mobilization.

How to Print out Jamb Admission Letter or Result Slip to qualify one to be in the  Matriculation List

Requirement to be able to Print out Admission Letter and result slip online
1. Profile username and password
2. Registration number
3. pdf app or software viewer

joint admission and matriculation list: Steps to Print Admission Letter and Result Slip Document
1. Visit the jamb efacility website for result slip and admission letter printing .
2. Type in your jamb username and password.
3. Click on the login button.
On the left hand side of the Profile dashboard,
4. To Print Admission Letter, Click on the link Admission Letter to make payment to generate remita rrr code and make payment online or through bank. After successful payment continue from step 6
5. To Print Jamb Result Slip, Click on the link Print Result Slip to make payment to generate remita rrr code and make payment online or through bank. After successful payment continue from step 6.
6. Select the given year you intend to print.
7. Type in your UTME Registration number.
8. Click on the button Print Admission Letter or Result Slip, to download and make a print out, after print out into hard copy, make extra photocopy of it.
9. To send admission letter or result slip to your email, click on send to the email, it will be send to the email address you used to sign into your jamb direct entry profile.

Read Also
Sample Image of Jamb orginal result
Sample image of jamb admission letter

Landing Search
name not on jamb matriculation list
What To Do If Your Name Is Not On JAMB Matriculation List
To qualify to be on the joint admission and matriculation list
You are not on matriculation list, kindly print your admission letter online

Monday, September 10, 2018


What is jamb regularization about?

The purpose of regularization is to ensure that JAMB has your current admission detail that tally with the school that offered you admission.

Who are to Regularize?

Type A
Fresh Application - Those with JAMB Reg. Nos.
Candidates who gain admission with jamb registration number but does not have Jamb admission letter.

Type B.
Change of Admission Letter - Those with JAMB Reg Nos
Candidates who gain admission with jamb registration number, but the Admission letter carry a different course or institution name from the school that gave them admission.

Type C
Late Application - Those without JAMB Reg No
Candidate who gain admission without Jamb registration number or his/her mode of admission does not required jamb registration number. Example Pre-degree

Other reasons are state below:
  1. I did not take Jamb form
  2. I did not have Jamb Registration Number
  3. I was transferred into another course within the same institution
  4. My score was below cut-off
  5. I was offered admission in another Institution
  6. I did Remedial Programme
  7. I transferred from another Institution
  8. I did Part-Time
  9. I did Sandwich
  10. I attended Open University
  11. Others (Example. I Did Jamb, I Was Offered Admission, But I did not have Jamb Admission Letter )

Read Also.  
How to check my Jamb Admission Status
How to Reprint Jamb regularization form after submission
WAEC Verification Pin - How to Verify/Correct Your Date of Birth
What to do if your name is not on jamb Marticulation List
How to Create Profile for Regularization, Admission Letter, Result Checking
How to Retrieve Jamb Regularization Number.

I have be trying to register for this new jamb regularization, but find it difficult, have you register any candidate successfully
Answer: Yes

Can I use my phone to do the jamb regularization online?
Answer:  To the best of my knowledge, it is not too okay to process form online using phone. If you have access to desktop with internet facility, it gives you a better view of the form.

Note: As any mistake you make cannot be corrected, as the stages involve in the registration exercise does not give room for one to preview what he/she had filled before final submission. Once you click on submit, that is the final submission.

Can I come and meet you and get it done that same day and how long does the processing take.
Answer. Yes, the processing of the form takes a maximum of 30min from start to finished, provided all the needed information are correct and available.

What is the official amount of this new jamb regularization fee?
Answer: The official amount is N10,000.00

How much fee do you charge for the online processing.
Answer: I charge N1500 for the online processing and printing out of the indemnity form.

is the payment through the use of Scratch Card
Answer: No

What is their mode of payment or how is the payment made?
Answer: Payment is done online through the use of ATM Card.

Is thumb print needed during the jamb regularization exercise?
Answer. No. thumb print is not needed.

Can registration be done in the absence of someone/by proxy.
Answer: Yes currently, as long as the said person gives you his/her right information and passport.
Mind you, the information you supplied is what you will see on the final print out document.

During the jamb regularization registration, I made a mistake can it be corrected?
Answer: No. if an error was observed after final submission, it cannot be undo. The only solution to it, is to create a new profile and make a new payment of N10,000

What are the jamb regularization details or information needed to register one successful?

Answer: click here information needed to register one for the new jamb regularization process

Read also.  How to Create Profile for Jamb Regularization

Is there any Jamb regularization software or plugin used for the processing of the form?
Answer: No, all registration is carried out on jamb regularization page or site

Have you be able to process any successfully
Answer: Yes. below are the procedure i follow.

When I try to  create my regularization profile account online, i got this message show below.
"you cannot create account at this time". Please any solution to it?

jamb regularization profile creation

Creation of account or profile has be disable online. henceforth only CBT Centre can be able to create profile for regularization.

Can you help me, and what are the information needed to create profile

Yes, i can help you chat me up on whatsapp 08051311885

After the creation of the profile can I be able to login and continue the filling and submission of the form at my end.


How to Apply for NYSC and Direct Entry Regularization - Step by Step Approach

for you to be able to login, you must have created your regularization profile or account

1. Visit the jamb regularization portal
2. Type in your jamb regularization login profile details (email address and password) and click on log in
3. On the Dashboard, click on Late Application (Regularization)
4. Select your Preferred Late Application type
a. Fresh Application - Those with JAMB Reg. Nos.
b. Change of Admission Letter - Those with JAMB Reg Nos
c. Late Application - Those without JAMB Reg No

jamb regularization dashboard nysc direct entry
old dash board


4b. Select your Preferred Application for Regularization type
Application for Admission Letter
Unregistered Admission Candidates who gain admission with jamb registration number but does not have Jamb admission letter. or in other words, you have a previous jamb registration number, but when check online, you have no jamb admission letter on it.

Change of Admission Letter.
Candidates who gain admission with jamb registration number, but the Admission letter carry a different course or institution name from the school that gave them admission.

Late Application (No Record with Jamb)
Candidate who gain admission without Jamb registration number or his/her mode of admission does not required jamb registration number. Example Pre-degree.

in order words, you dont have any previous jamb registration number, even if you have previous jamb registration number, but still you do not have access to it.

Read Also, How to Retrieve My Old Jamb Reg No

new dash board

5. Next Page will asked if you purchase jamb form for that said Academic Year

6. Select the given year you want to regularized for and click on Yes or No to continue

jamb regularization late application payment

Preliminary Application Details
7. To make payment, click on --->> continue to make payment -->> Pay Now

8. Enter your payment detail, Select your Preferred Payment mode, and submit to complete your payment.

10 - 12:  Fill in your information

10. Personal Information Detail
Jamb regularization registration number

11. Institution Details
jamb-regularization-nysc-direct entry

12. UTME Examination Details
jamb regularization admission letter

13. Olevel Subjects/Grade Detail

What are the documents to print out, after completion of the online form?
Answer: The name of the only document to be printed out is refer to as indemnity form. It contains all the information you have supplied during the filling of the form online.

Note: The document should be printed out in colour, showing the background of jamb logo.


After completion of the jamb regularization process online, will I get the jamb registration number immediately?
Answer: No. it takes two to three weeks for jamb to approve your application, only then can the registration number be sent to you.

What does it entail for jamb to approved the processing of the indemnity form
Answer: first the indemnity form has to be printed out in colour and submitted to your institution for signing and stamping by your head of institution.
Lastly, you institution will have to forward the document to jamb for official processing.

Note. No indemnity form will be accepted unless the head of institution had previous given his/her signature personally to jamb registrar.

How will the jamb regularized registration number be sent to me if all due process are followed?
Answer:  They will send it to either your email address or phone number you supplied during the registration process.

When is jamb regularization closing or is there any deadline
Answer: for the now, it has no closing date, it is a continuous process.

Which other services do you render?
Answer: Retrieve of jamb registration number, nysc online processing, jamb reg number regularization, and admission letter printing.

Are you for real, if yes, how can i meet you in person for the online processing?
Yes i am for real, to check if my office exists, you can come yourself, better or alternatively send someone who live in Delta State to do that for you.

For those who reside far, and what me to help you out, call or whatsapp me, on how i can be of help to you. 08051311885

How to meet me

Click here for a basic graphical direction on how to meet me or

From Effurun Roundabout or PTI Roundabout

Enter a Bus going to Enerhen Junction fee is N80>from Enerhen Junction enter a Taxi going to Estate fee is N50. tell the driver to stop you at Cinema Junction by Ejemudarho Street, fee is N50, when you are there, ask of Easco Table Water building or call me.

From Enerhen Junction (Bob Izua Park @ Enerhen)
Enter a Keke-napep or Taxi going to Estate, tell the driver to stop you at Cinema Junction by Ejemudarho Street, fee is N50, when you are there, ask of Fasco Table Water building or call me.

From Airport Junction
Enter a Keke-napepe or Taxi going to Estate fee is between N50-N100 > from Estate, enter a Keke-napepe going to Robinson Plaza or Deco tell the driver to stop you at Cinema Junction by Ejemudarho Street, fee is N30, when you are there, ask of Fasco Table Water building or call me.

From Ekpan Junction
Enter a Keke-napepe or Taxi going to Estate fee is between N50 > from Estate, enter a Keke-napepe going to Robinson Plaza or Deco tell the driver to stop you at Cinema Junction by Ejemudarho Street, fee is N30, when you are there, ask of Fasco Table Water building or call me.

From Deco Junction (Agofure Park or Uduanghan Park @ Deco)

Enter a Keke-napep or Taxi going to Estate, tell the driver to stop you at Cinema Junction by Ejemudarho Street, fee is N40, when you are there, ask of Fasco Table Water building or call me.
From Ozoro, Ughelli, Abraka, Oleh, Sapele, Udu, Asaba e.t.c
Enter uduanghan motor that will stop you at their park at Deco, then follow the description above

St Charles Educational Service,
6 Ejemudarho Street (situated at the Up-Stare of Fasco Table Water Building)
Opposite Okere Urhobo Kingdom Palace,
Close to Cinema Junction,
Warri, Delta State.
Whatsapp/mobile: 08051311885

Frequent Asked Questions and Answer

i study International Relations in my school, but in my adimission letter, jamb gave me Political Science, how can it be resolved?

I am a final year student in a State University, I checked jamb site to print my admission letter and saw that it was a Polytechnic that appear in my admission letter for a two years program, Should i do Change of Institution or Regularization?

To Solve these problem, you have to apply using the option Application for Regularisation >> Applicaiton for Regularization select >> Change of Admission Letter.

You used this option because you already have record with Jamb.

I did my ND in Federal Polytechnic bida, and my HND in Nigeria Institute of Journalism Lagos, I did Regularization with Federal POlytechnic bida, and that is the School that has my jamb detail.

Do I need to do another regularization with Nigerian Institute of Journalism for Mobilization or i can still use my OND Jamb Registration Number, which is still Valid and has my details on it.

For Polytechnic student, if you are doing regularization, you used the details of the school that gave you admission for OND.

I went to a cbt centre today, as the guy in question was filling the regularization form, he saw somewhere where they asked for my Serial Number on Graduation List,, he asked me for it, but I dont have repsonse to it, because I dont understand it, please help.

Serial Number on graduating list, this number is mostly made avaliable to student that has pass out of the school system during event of graduation ceremony, the problem is, most school hold graduation in batches, like every four years, that is when graduation ceremony is been conducted.

If you come across it during the filling of the form, leave it blank.

Please I want to know the next step to take when someone regularization is not approved?

Contact the nearest jamb office closer to you to know the reason why.

I did part time during my OND, I am going for my HND next month full time, but i was told i might not be able to go for NYSC except i do jamb regularization, is it true.


I want to know what to do if i get this message, You are not on the matriculation list, kindly reprint your result slip online. do i need regularization.

your just have to create a jamb profile and pay online to reprint your result slip or admission letter

Thursday, June 28, 2018

How to Create Jamb Profile for Regularization, Admission Letter, Check Result, Direct Entry

In this post you are going to learn and also assist you, on how to Create Jamb Profile for regularization or Direct Entry registration, Print Admission Letter, Check Result and Admission status,

how to create jamb profile for regularization admission letter check result

What is Jamb Profile all about

This is an account created on jamb portal, that is specific to user. It enable a user
to be able to access paid and free services render by jamb online after logging.
What is Jamb Profile Email Verification.
is the process to verify the validity of an email to be used for the creation of a jamb
profile. a message containing a profile code is sent to the email address, which is required to complete the creation of the profile.

Why do someone need to confirm or verify the email address? - JAMB shall be communicating with you via the email. Important information and notifications shall be passed to you via the email.

Jamb Profile Email Verification

What are the Details Needed to Create a Jamb Profile.
Here are the detail that is required to create any jamb/utme profile
First name
Other name
Date of Birth
State of Origin
Local Government Area
Valid email address
mobile number

How to Create Jamb Profile for Regularization, Admission Letter, Result Printing, Direct

For you to create a profile on Jamb portal do the following
1. visit the jamb profile registration page, using either your desktop or mobile browser
2. Click on Create an account button
3. Enter A functional email address and other details as you the page opens up, Click on verify email
4. Login into your email for confirmation, take note it could be in your spam folder if not seen on your inbox.
5. Then click on the link send to you by JAMB to continue your registration.
6. Enter your name, surname, email, date of birthday, password, etc.
7. Lastly click on “Sign Up” to complete the creation of your account.

Is Jamb Profile Compulsory.

Creation of jamb/utme profile is compulsory of you wish to carry out any activities or
transaction through jamb portal.

Importance of jamb profile

When you create profile on Jamb portal,
1. it enables you check and print out your Jamb original result, admission letter,
2. without the creation of jamb/utme profile, you can not apply for direct entry, regularization,
change of jamb admission letter. admission acceptance and rejection.
3. creation of UTME profile give one the ability to pay for any jamb service online

After Creation of Jamb Candidate Profile What  Next

After a candidate as finished creation of jamb profile, he/she can now be able to apply for
admission letter, original utme result, jamb direct entry, regularization, e.t.c
service render by jamb

Can I Create Jamb Profile with my Mobile Phone

Yes it can be created using a mobile phone devices, but this function as be disable or suspended, applicant can no longer used either their phone or a desktop to create their personal profile, they have to visit cbt centre to be able to do so.

Reach me on mobile/whatsapp 08051311885 if you are interested in creating your jamb user profile

Can Jamb Candidate Profile be Edited After Creation.

Yes, but not all details that can be edit. the following are details you be able to edit
-Detail that can be edited or corrected during registration period
- Names Correction (Correction can only be done once)
- Passport Photograph Correction (Correction can only be done once)
- Gender Correction (Correction can only be done once)
- UTME Subjects Correction (Correction can only be done once)
- State/LGA Correction (Correction can only be done once)
- Profile Correction (Correction can only be done once)
  Date of Birth
  State of Origin
  Email Address
- Choice of Institution/Course Correction (Correction can only be done twice with separate

The only Detail that can be edited or corrected once registration has ended or closed
- Choice of Institution/Course Correction (Correction can only be done twice with separate
- State of Origin

Can I Create Another Jamb Profile

Yes, you can create a fresh new profile, if you found out that you have lose access to your previous account.
To create a new profile, you need a new valid email address and phone number, note you are starting afresh, meaning any transaction with the previous profile can not be transfer into this new one you plan create.

When is Jamb Profile Closing

There is no fixed date, it is a continuous process.

How does jamb utme profile looks like

Here is an image of how a jamb candidate profile look like after successful login
image of jamb candidate profile sample

Jamb Candidate Profile Creation Login Detail

password created during signup
email address used during creation

Jamb Profile Login Procedure.

Here is the step to follow to log into your profile
visit the the jamb website for profile login
Type in your email address and password
Click on login

How to Create Jamb Profile on Phone

visit the jamb profile website, enter the detail asked for.
please note this online service has be suspended for the time been.


Jamb Profile App apk Download.

This application provides an easy and intuitive access to JAMB UTME and Direct Entry Registrations.
This Services has be discontinue in 2017, it was used to create jamb candidate profile using android mobile devices.
Here is the link to download jamb registration android mobile app apk

Where Can i Create Jamb Profile

Visiting the nearest cbt centre, or you can can reach me on mobile/whatsapp 08051311885 to enable me speed track the creation of our profile.

Jamb Profile Setting

The jamb profile setting contain some essential information, such as the candidate personal information, service usage, and payment status.
To Access your profile setting, log into your jamb profile, click on my profile.

jamb candidate profile setting

Candidate Personal Information.
Service Usage. what service the profile has be used to engage with.
example of such service are:
Result Slip Printing.
Retrieval of Registration Number.
Admission Letter printing. etc
from the jamb profile setting, to see more of the service usage click on visit my usage.
utme profile service usage

Payment Status. This give the status of any payment initialize, it range from payment pending, payment approved, pin used, payment reference number, and their date of transaction.
from the jamb profile setting, to see more of the payment be made click on visit my payments.

  payment status for utme profile

How to Change Jamb Profile Name

Correction or change of jamb profile name is only possible when registration is still in
progress, to change or correct the name you used in creating your jamb profile do the following.
on the registered line you used in creating the profile
in sms format type and send;
Screen shot needed.

How to Change Jamb Profile Email Address.

change or correction of email address can only be done at cbt centre when
registration is ongoing, and it come with additional cost fee.
Once registration has end, it can only be corrected at jamb office.

Forgot Password or Jamb Profile Password Reset

Password reset can be carried out in two ways
Method 1.
you used this method if you totally forgot password and unable to get it back
1. Visit the jamb profile password reset page
2. Click on resit password
3. Type in your correct email address and date of birth
4. Click on Get password reset link
5. Login into your registered email address, click on the link to reset your password.

profile password reset

Method 2.
You used this method if you can recall your password but want to change it to something
different from the previous one.
1. visit this  jamb profile creation login page
2. Enter your registered email address and password
3. Click on change password
4. Type in your current password and new password
6. Click on Change password.

profile password change

Sunday, June 17, 2018

How to Recover Lost Jamb Profile Code; Jamb epin - Problem Solved

Have you lost your jamb profile code and epin for this current year, In this post I will mention the step you need to follow on how to recover your Lost JAMB Profile Code and Jamb epin, without visiting any Computer Base Test (CBT) Centre, Zonal or Head office.

how to recover lost jamb profile code

How to Recover Lost Jamb Profile Code

To recover your jamb profile code, what you need to do, is to type and send "RESEND" in SMS format to the jamb short code "55019"  with the phone number you used during profile registration.
The code will be re-send to you at a service charge of N50 as at the year 2018
Content of Message. "RESEND"
Receiver Number  "55019"
Read Also

How to Recover Lost Jamb epin

Here is a very simple guide on how to recover jamb E-pin if it is misplace or get lost.
from your mobile or desktop browser visit this link below.
Then select the option Retrieve Pin
Type in your profile code.
Click on Get Detail.

Saturday, May 19, 2018

6 Ways How to Check Police Exam Centre, Date and Time - Police Service Commission

The Procedures on how to check Police Exam Centre details such as Venue, Date and Time for the Police Service Commission Examination will be discussed in details below.
Police Service Commission extermination slip

Dear applicants, We hope most of you have gotten your invitation letter to write CBT Exams but it's not about to write it alone but to pass it is the issue. Study English, Maths & Current Affairs (General Papers) very well, be accuracy but meticulous in picking your answer. 
To get the police recruitment past question call or chat me up on 08051311885

Many Candidates has been so worried to know if Police Service Commission Has started sending Exam date and Center for the Main examination which will be talking place Friday, May 25, 2018 from 07:00AM Nigeria Time.

For the purpose of our brother and sister who apply for the recent police recruitement that were shortlisted for the exam, kindly follow the procedure listed below to check your name to know your exam centre and number and remaining information needed also make the print out while going for the exams please.
how to check your police exam centre

How To Check And Print Police Exam Centre, Date And Time

There are Six 6 methods in which candidates can use and check or access their Police Exam Date and Center:

Method 1: By Visiting JAMB Portal
• This is one of the best method to check Police Exam Centre, Date and Time you are writing.
It requires any of the following to be able to check the police examination centre
Applicant Registration Number, gsm number or email address .
With this method, you don’t have to stay on hold for any email address from Police Service Commission to be able to know your Exam Information.

Step on How to Check Police Exam Centre on Jamb Portal

Visit the link below
- Type in either your email, phone number or the code generated for you by Jamb
- Click on Print Examination Slip
- Print a copy of it and bring it to the centre.
how to print police exam centre

Method 2: By visiting Police Service Commission Portal

For the comprehensive list of successful candidates per state for the CBT,  applicant are to visit this link  Police Service Commission Portal
How to Check Police Exam Centre on Police Portal
Visit the link below,
Search for your state, click on the State link to download. File is in pdf format
All Candidates whose name appear in the list are invited for the Constable Recruitment Exams. Kindly Ensure to Come on the date and time specified alongside your name.
Police Service Commission

Method 3: By Checking Your Registered Email Address
As an Option, Applicant are to login to the Email address that appear on their registration photocard after capture by jamb official.
Look for an email message from JAMB or Police Service Commission containing Exam Date and Center.
They are to Download and Print out the PDF File sent to them and Come with it on the day of their Examination.

Method 4.
Text on Your Register Phone Number

Method 5.
Applicant can Visit Police Command State Headquarters in at their state of Origin

Method 6
Applicant can visit Jamb Office in each State of Federation to check for their exam centre and date.

Also Note that:
(1) The examination centres have CCTV coverage.
(2) You are allowed to come into the examination hall with pencil and rough work sheets.
(3) All rough work sheets must be submitted at the end of the examination.
(4) Candidates will not be allowed to enter the examination hall with electronic devices such as telephones, wristwatches, spy eye glasses. Cameras etc

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